內容 : | 親愛的東華師生,這場「台灣原住民族。陶藝展」於全國巡迴一年,終於來到了東華大學與大家分 享,從開館17年首次有原住民主題展出的鶯歌陶博館:『鶯原際會』(2017.9.29~11.12),到屏東原 住民族文化發展中心:『原來在這裡』(2018.3.17~5.17),最終站在國立臺灣史前文化博物館:『原 來在這裡』(2018.5.29~9.02)。經過參展者的同意,將在東華大學以部分作品、影像、紀錄短片的 模式,加上策展人的講座分享,歡迎大家蒞臨參觀。 「原來在這裡:台灣原住民陶藝展」 展覽時間 │ 2018/09/10~09/30 展覽地點 │ 原住民民族學院Taluan(A201) 開幕茶會時間 │ 9/18(一)下午3:30開幕 展出創作者: 宋林美妹、麥承山、沙桂花、宋賢次、全東明、撒古流.巴瓦瓦隆、峨格.馬帝靈、哈匿.扎丮、夫得. 答艾、廖光亮、哈拿.葛琉、華恆明、雷斌、不舞.阿古亞那、王昱心、吳淑倫、劉美怡、尤美茜、 拉夫浪斯.馬帝靈 在臺灣的原住民族群中,如布農族、鄒族、凱達格蘭族、噶瑪蘭族、西拉雅族等,過去都曾保有完 整的製陶技術,但受到外來文化的衝擊,這些傳統技術在十九世紀後已快速的消失。到了二十世紀 中期以後,臺灣原住民族中僅剩東部的阿美族與蘭嶼的達悟族保有傳統製陶工藝技術。 隨著二十世紀末臺灣社會與政治風氣的改變,臺灣原住民族群意識逐漸高漲,開始重視自身的傳統 文化。直至今日,這波臺灣原住民族的「文化復振」仍在持續,逐漸流失的傳統製陶技術,也是當 代原住民極需復興的技藝。 本次展覽以「傳統」、「復興」、「再現」三大面向,展示臺灣原住民製陶文化的歷史與當代發展。其 中「傳統」與「復興」兩大面向,試圖以原住民傳世的古陶器對照當代原住民新製的傳統技法作品; 「再現」則是展出當代原住民結合傳統文化、社會議題的創作。 策展人:王昱心 The indigenous peoples of Taiwan, from the Bunun, Tsou, Paiwan, and the Rukai peoples of the mountains, the Ketagalan, Kavalan, and Siraya peoples of the plains, to the Amis, Puyuma, and Tao peoples of the coasts all used to have fully-developed ceramic craft. However, with cultural impact from the outside, their ceramics traditions began disappearing rapidly. By the mid-twentieth century, only the Amis people in Eastern Taiwan and the Tao people on Orchid Island maintained their traditional ceramics production. In late twentieth century, changes in the Taiwanese society and its political climate gave rise to ethnic consciousness among the indigenous peoples of Taiwan, who began to value their traditional cultures. For instance, in the 1990s, Sakuliu Pavavalung, a member of the Paiwan people, started reviving the craft of Paiwan ceramic pots. For many years, he has collected stories from the oral tradition of the tribes, incorporated modern green compact techniques, and used a smoking process to blacken the pots, thus recreating the traditional craft. To this day, the wave of cultural revival among the indigenous peoples of Taiwan continues. The disappearing traditional ceramic craft is a part of the indigenous culture that is in desperate need of preservation. This exhibition comprises three main aspects - "tradition," "revival," and "representation," with which to illustrate the history and modern development of the ceramic craft of Taiwan's indigenous peoples. Between "tradition" and "revival," the exhibition juxtaposes old ceramic vessels handed down through generations with new ceramics produced with traditional techniques. For "reappearance," the exhibition display works by members of the indigenous peoples inspired by traditional culture, self-reflection, and social issues. Curator: Yu-hsin WANG 展覽相關影音報導: https://youtu.be/A_-JtRl5_qY 鶯歌陶瓷博物館 展19原民陶藝家作品 2017-10-03 TITV 原視新 聞 https://youtu.be/1WledYimCF4 天外天新聞1061003 20陶博首檔原住民陶藝展 重現貴族陶甕 https://youtu.be/krDzjoIRfVE 原民特色古今陶器對比 今年首場主題展出 2018-04-09 TITV 原 視新聞 |